Digimon world 2 dp
Digimon world 2 dp

digimon world 2 dp

Only specific Ultimate Digimon can Jogress, and this will occur 1 hour after the two required Digimon are on the device.Digimon World 2the second game in the Digimon World series brings us to an all-new world in which we must raise digimon to fight off the evil trying to invade. For Adult and Perfect Digimon, the Digimon in backup must be a different attribute from the one being raised, and the Jogress will occur at the normal evolution time. Indicates which Digimon must be in backup in order to evolve. If a Digimon shows N/A for all four conditions, this means that you will get that Digimon if you do no not meet the minimum requirements for any other evolution option. If any Digimon shows this as a requirement on the chart, it means there is no minimum requirement for that particular condition. The minimum required percentage of battle wins to evolve. Battles can also be done against another Vital Bracelet using the VS DiM. Battles can be triggered by touching the Vital Bracelet to any powered NFC source, such as a smart phone or vending machine. They increase when you win battles, but will decrease if you lose. Vital Values are earned based on your steps and heart rate. How many Vital Values are required to evolve. Trophies are earned by completing missions. How many Trophies are required to evolve. Leaving the device on while not wearing it for 24 consecutive hours.

  • If your Adult or Perfect Digimon has the same attribute as the one in backup, or if they are different evolutionary stages, Jogress will not occur.
  • However, if you send your Digimon to the companion app after clearing Area 15, any future Digimon you send to the app from that same DiM will receive the Area 15 cleared status as well. If your Digimon does not hatch from the egg left behind by the Digimon that previously cleared Area 15, it will need to clear it again to meet the evolution requirement for Digimon with that criteria listed.
  • If I already cleared Area 15 with a different Digimon, do I have to clear it again with the one I am currently raising?.
  • Evolution requirements only count if they are done for the Digimon's current evolutionary stage, so check how many you have on the Vital Bracelet itself instead.
  • Never use the app to determine evolution requirements, it counts all battles and trophies across your Digimon's lifespan.
  • The app shows I have enough battles or trophies, so why didn't my Digimon evolve?.
  • You will meet the requirement by fulfilling either of those conditions upon reaching the evolution window, you don't necessarily need to fulfill both. One reads "0-2 Trophies" while the other reads "0-499 Vital Values".

    digimon world 2 dp

    For example, Pulsemon has two bullet points for evolving into Namakemon. In these cases, you only need to choose one of the bullet points, as these are all independent requirements.

  • When you click on a Digimon in the guide, sometimes you will see bullet points listing multiple requirements.
  • What does it mean if the evolution requirements on this guide show multiple bullet points?.
  • All stats are reset, except when evolving from Baby I to Baby II or from Baby II to Child.
  • Also keep in mind that not all Ultimate Stage Digimon can evolve to Super Ultimate. Turning the Vital Bracelet off will also pause all functions, including the evolution time. The time your Digimon spends sleeping will not count towards its evolution timer, nor will time it spends in backup.

    digimon world 2 dp

    If an Adult or Perfect stage Digimon has fulfilled its specific requirements for reaching Perfect or Ultimate respecitvely, it is guaranteed to reach that stage. Unless you kill it first, your Digimon is guaranteed to evolve into Adult.

  • How long will it take my Digimon to evolve?ģ hours from Ultimate to Super Ultimate via Jogress.
  • In addition, winning battles will increase them, while losing battles will decrease them.
  • Your steps and your heart rate both contribute to your Vital Values.
  • Yep! csds92, a member of the Digitama Hatchery Discord Server, has a translation guide available here.
  • Are there any translations for the companion app?.
  • If not, try asking in the #help_and_questions channel at the Digitama Hatchery Discord Server. If you aren't sure about something, take a minute and read throught the questions below, you may find your answer there.

    Digimon world 2 dp